Dapper Don

Dapper Don himselfDapper Don himself

Fly Fisherman has a great story about a true trout stalker named Don, who, with his 14-foot noodle, daps for trout all through the glory zone in western Montana and Idaho.

Even if you doubt you’ll ever try that technique, check it out if you’d like to consider a bit more about how to move to a more sight-fishing, patience oriented trout approach.

I’m in awe of how he’s rebuilt his approach around patience, from gear to the cycle of his day (he often comes to a spot twice a day, to pre-scout in high light and fish in low light). This is such a great value to apply to any outdoor pursuit, especially the appreciation of large brown trout.

Eddy cycle, illustratedEddy cycle, illustrated

This illustration is a great example of how to break down an eddy situation. The trick is figuring out where the large fish are jockeying for position.

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February 12, 2012