How to read a river: Riffles, runs, and pools
Digging one level deeper to understand the different features we find in a river
Forever seeking flow.
Digging one level deeper to understand the different features we find in a river
The knee bone connects to the thigh bone...the thigh bone connects to the hip bone...digging into all the things that attach to your fly rod, from reel seat to fly line to tippet.
There's one mistake I want to help you avoid when you buy your first fly rod.
The do's and do-knot's fly-fishing knot tying. Find out what you need to know, what you don't, and how to build your skills and have confidence in your fly-fishing knots
Scouting fly fishing spots can be a major challenge for beginners. It depends on combing through lots of sources of information to find places where you might find great water, then verifying those hunches in real life.
Start your journey to find your home waters by grounding yourself on your home planet.
Check-in with your goals and intentions at the start of every fishing season, or calendar year.
Here are the four pieces of gear you really need to get started fly-fishing
For as long as humans have lived near rivers and oceans, we’ve fished. And I’d argue that fly fishing is the closest to how our ancestors did it.
Who I am, and how that's shaped my fishing life
Nobody fly fishes because it’s easy. So why do they do it? Here are five reasons why I fly fish, along with two anti-reasons.
"For all the aggravation a trout can cause, it cannot think and does not consider you. A trout is very much like truth; it does what it wants, what it has to."