Rolling your own
If you wish to make a fly rod from scratch, you must first invent the universe.
If you wish to make a fly rod from scratch, you must first invent the universe.
Grand Canyon dreaming, communing with the fishes, Jackson County's finest, Tokyo shopping, and a great smallmouth bass learning opportunity
When we can't fish and make stories, we read stories. Sometimes those are fly-fishing stories, and sometimes they're not. Here are three that rolled across the bedside table, from the Grand Canyon to the Mariana Trench to the Carhartteratti of Jackson Hole's Persephone Bakery.
Many presidents have fished, but few had the soul of an angler.
Sometimes, literally. The five favorite (mostly) fly-fishing books I read this year
Recalling the shaper of a Platonic fly-fishing reality, in his own words
Digging in on the progression from Aspen Extreme to Trout Bum (RIP John Gierach), Grant Petersen CFS GOAT, SalmonSuperHwy lauded by the White House, and more
On Adam Phillips, and finding, and re-finding our identities as anglers
Moving beyond the engineering mindset, and trying to embrace frustration as a key function of learning
A definitive, once-and-for-all, not at all biased list of all the fly-fishing books that matter, from books for the fly-fishing curious beginner to technical methods and romantic lore
If you get a chance to visit the Angler's Club in New York City, take it. It's the nucleus of the sport's North American origins.
Lunn's extensive restoration and reclamation work on the Test is a must-read for anyone interested in the practice of taking care of a river.