A tale for the turn of the year
Wish 2025 an angler's welcome with some intention setting, saying goodbye to Jimmy Carter, summer meetup dates, and the anatomy of a fly-fishing rig
Wish 2025 an angler's welcome with some intention setting, saying goodbye to Jimmy Carter, summer meetup dates, and the anatomy of a fly-fishing rig
It's not the be-all end-all Ultimate Fly Fishing Destination Packing List, but it's what I wound up bringing to Italy, where the trout fishing is much like at home.
In Piemonte, on the Sesia and Mastallone rivers, anything is possible with the right attitude.
Searching for slabs on the Passer river in Südtirol / Trentino Alto-Adige, part of our five-part series on fly-fishing in Italy
Can you help identify this strange trout variant? Salmo truta helvetica?
The first in a series on fly fishing in the Italian alps, on getting licensed in Italy, and the main differences between fly fishing in Italy and the USA.